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    Property Maintenance

    Meeting and beating the expectations of Airbnb guests every time.

    Being prepared to welcome guests requires an eye for detail when maintaining your property. Property Maintenance

    We calculate the amount of time it takes to handle maintenance problems for properties that are renting out to the short-term market in hours rather than days. Our procedures allow us to ensure that each issue that comes up is rapidly handled in a manner that excludes cutting corners. Through our understanding of the way property maintenance should be handled, we set a high standard that ensures your property is ready prior to greeting your next guest with a proper welcome.

    Changeover Inspections

    Changeover Inspections

    Prior to and after each booking, Breezybnb performs property inspections to ensure your property’s maintenance is consistently up to date. With this strategy, we handle any problem before it becomes a serious issue, allowing your property to remain on track to welcome new guests every step of the way. Highlighting problems immediately allows us to minimize property downtime and maximize your annual returns, making this an important component of our property management strategy.

    Fast Installation

    Lightning Fast Service

    We never take shortcuts because we don’t have to. By taking on any issue immediately, we give ourselves the maximum time to get your property back on track to being guest ready. Our expert service providers are contacted as soon as a problem arises, allowing them to act fast to solve the issue. We’re confident in our ability to handle any issues without much downtime as we work hard to solve the problem as efficiently as possible.

    Cost-Free Maintenance

    Cost-Free Maintenance

    Fortunately, if there is any damage that a guest causes while they stay at your property, our time-stamped photos from the previous property inspection come in handy. With these precautionary inspection photos, we make it so we’re capable of charging guests for any damage they incur during their stay. This means that your property is safe from rowdy guests and we’ve got you covered if something happens. Protect your asset with us as we conduct the necessary measures to ensure you’re always winning.

    Tech Savvy

    All of our Property Hosts are connected, allowing us to easily monitor each inspection. With this real-time view of the property, we are always in “the know” when it comes to any issues arising prior to them becoming a serious problem. This brings forth the extra protection property owners need when allowing guests to stay in their short-term rentals. We take time-stamped photos to ensure that if a guest causes damage to your property, it won’t be money coming out of your pocket. The use of this technology allows us to immediately contact a guest when a problem occurs, lessening your liability for other peoples’ misconduct in the process.